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504 Gateway timeout
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I have an endpoint where a company can be chosen. This company is the basis for a query with all the contracts my customer has with this specific company. 

The contracts have an end date. Now I want to end date all the contracts in an action. So far, so good. But when running the action (ajax function from the endpoint which calls the post-endpoint) I get a 504 gateway timeout if I have to process more than 50 contracts.

Anyone any clue how to prevent this?



I have an endpoint where a company can be chosen. This company is the basis for a query with all the contracts my customer has with this specific company. 

The contracts have an end date. Now I want to end date all the contracts in an action. So far, so good. But when running the action (ajax function from the endpoint which calls the post-endpoint) I get a 504 gateway timeout if I have to process more than 50 contracts.

Anyone any clue how to prevent this?


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    Hi Corné, This looks like a performance issue of your action. Can you describe your action a bit more? Maybe with screenshots? I'm guessing you've got an POST endpoint in which you receive a company_id? What's happening then?
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    Then I loop through the contracts, updating the end date of the contract to the supplied new end date. After that, I end date the 'tarieven' tabel associated with these contracts to the same end date.
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