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avatar image
Using the image strategy
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Hi all,

The image property in the datamodel supports to define your own image strategy, e.g.

However, when I show the avatar image on a front-end, the big image is still shown. What syntax do I need to use to show the avatar on an endpoint as 64x64px?

Currently I use the following syntax:

<img alt="image" class="img-circle" src="{{ Webuser.avatar }}" />

I have also looked at the format(record, width, height) expression, but that does not work with the above HTML src-syntax.

Thank you very much!


Hi all,

The image property in the datamodel supports to define your own image strategy, e.g.

However, when I show the avatar image on a front-end, the big image is still shown. What syntax do I need to use to show the avatar on an endpoint as 64x64px?

Currently I use the following syntax:

<img alt="image" class="img-circle" src="{{ Webuser.avatar }}" />

I have also looked at the format(record, width, height) expression, but that does not work with the above HTML src-syntax.

Thank you very much!


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