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How to convert a hexadecimal string to bytes, that are used to generate a signature by the HMACSHA256 class?
We are using a webservice which requires a signature (generated HMACSHA256 hash), based on a message and private key combination. This private key is provided in a hexadecimal string and needs te be converted to be used in the hash.
Below a representation of simiral functions in .NET and PHP;
PHP: hex2bin($private_key)
How to convert a hexadecimal string to bytes, that are used to generate a signature by the HMACSHA256 class?
We are using a webservice which requires a signature (generated HMACSHA256 hash), based on a message and private key combination. This private key is provided in a hexadecimal string and needs te be converted to be used in the hash.
Below a representation of simiral functions in .NET and PHP;
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